HTML-program 5
Posted On Wednesday, May 20, 2009 at at 12:45 AM by RashedProgram 5:
- Font tag: <font>
<title> this is my first webpage</title>
<font color="red">This is my first webpage.</font><font face="Calibri"> This page is designed with HTML language.</font><br><font size="20">HTML language is the principle language for web design but other language like</font><br> php, Java, JavaScript, VB, VBScript etc are also used to design webpage.<br><font color="red" face="Calibri" size="20">But these language are used as embedded within HTML language.</font><br>So, HTML is the mother language of webpage design.
- Font attributes:
- Family: used in CSS, eg : arial, Calibri, times new roman
- face: Calibri
- Size: 2,4,4……../+2,+4,-1,-2,-4
- Color: red, green………/#ffffff, #ff00ff,……..
- Variant: small or capital
- Weight: normal, bold, bloder, lighter
- It will look like: